Wellspring Concert Sets a High Bar for a New Era: REVUE ARTS
“…Sets a High Bar for a New Era. The collaboration here is expansive—the music heightens the dance and the dance gives visual shape to the music; …signifies a larger story about cultural and generational connections.”
Marin Heinritz, Revue Arts
“Their work…cut across so many of the disciplines we were working on and expanding in the college. They made really exciting work with our students from across the college in so many different ways.”
Jim Ball,
Augmented Reality to Aggie Park: Ocean of Memories Soundwalk
“…was incredibly beautiful in how it slowly revealed all components together as a body of sound. I felt like there were moments when I could not tell who was playing or saying what because it all seamlessly blended into one.
I reveled in the music’s immersiveness and inclusivity.”
Jennifer Pyron, OperaWire
“Like Butler, Chromic Duo claims that relations are not simply influential, but even more compelling: they are made up and undone by them.
“Let’s face it. We’re undone by each other. And if we’re not, we’re missing something. If this seems so clearly the case with grief, it is only because it was already the case with desire” - Judith Butler, "Precarious Lives”
Tyler Cunningham, culturebot
Reinventing Classical Music: WITCHING HOUR
“…And that’s what was so compelling about Chromic Duo’s show— you got to decide the story that fit the composition and let it take you closer or further away from your identity.”
Abigail Wedemeyer,
“And it’s often the smallest wonders that blossom into the grandest and wildest concoctions.
The toy piano is like a symbol of being able to give yourself the permission to play, to not judge yourself, and to show a little bit more empathy for yourself and for the people around you.”
Genevieve Trainor, Little Village Mag
Tiny Pianos, Big Ideas: LITTLE VILLAGE MAG
Emerald Futures: An Innovative Way to Experience
“An innovative way to experience music and storytelling, the walk will give listeners a multi-sensory experience as they experience the freedom of exploring the city while immersed in the sounds of original compositions.”
Dawn Jones, PressedFresh
Partnering with Chromic Duo has had a lasting impact on the College of Performance, Visualization & Fine Arts at Texas A&M University. Dorothy and Lucy are brilliant artists and are beyond generous with their time and creativity. In public performances, class visits, and workshops, they demonstrated to our students new possibilities for interdisciplinary collaboration. In their commissioned work, Ocean of Memories, they managed to work with students in many of the degrees we offer, including Music, Theatre, Performance Studies, and Visualization. Ocean of Memories is an important contribution to the arts landscape at Texas A&M University, and our students have been transformed by their experience with it.